Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

In Nepal the local currency is Nepal Rupees (NRS) which are used throughout the country to buy local goods, transport and other services.

The current exchange rate (as at 1st March 2022) is:

USD 1 = 120 NRS

AUD 1 = 89 NRS

Euro 1 = 133 NRS

GBP 1 = 160 NRS

There is no need to arrange currency exchange before you arrive. This is something that can be easily done after your arrival (and at lower cost too).

At the airport you can pay for your on arrival visa using USD, AUD or Euro.

Your hotel or trekking agency will arrange an airport pickup for you or if you need to arrange a taxi to your hotel then you can easily pay for this using these currencies too.

Once you arrive in Thamel or at your hotel there will be a currency exchange counter near your hotel, or everywhere around Kathmandu near all of the tourist areas. The currency exchange rate is listed as the daily rate and will be the same (or very similar) to all of the currency exchanges. They do not charge any transfer fees and you can easily change money day or night.

Once out of Kathmandu it is a little harder to change currency. The bigger cities and towns (such as Pokhara) will have readily available currency exchanges but the more remote areas and trekking regions will not. So make sure that you change money into local currency before you leave on your trek.

You can also find ATM’s throughout Kathmandu and most of the cities in Nepal. You can withdraw funds from your ATM credit card and the machine will dispense in local currency.

Our suggestion is that you arrive with your local currency and change for some local currency after arrival. We can advise you on how much spending money you are likely need for your stay in Nepal.